O Agencji One Day.

Jesteśmy niezależną agencją mediową, która posiada biura w Londynie, Manchesterze i Warszawie. Staramy się przełamywać bariery, podejścia i modele pracy agencji, wypełniając luki między kreacją, mediami i rozwiązaniami digital, aby budować silne relacje z naszymi partnerami.

Zespół Złożony z Samych Doświadczonych Pracowników.

Unikalną cechą One Day jest nasz zespół. Pracujemy jako jeden zespół bez działów lub podziałów wiedzy. Zapewniamy naszym Klientom kompleksowe wsparcie na każdym etapie ich działań, od strategii mediowej czy kreacji i jej przekazu reklamowego, po zakup, optymalizację i rekomendacje po kampanii.

Anita Puchalska

Anita | Director Polska

Ricardo | Director UK

Klaudia | Growth

Kris-Anne | Design

Alex Bradbury
Scott Barrett
Molly Winterbottom

Molly | Media

Erica | Growth

Kerry | Media

Laurence | Growth

Rhia | Growth

Fahad | Operations

One Day Agency - Klaudia

Alex | Media

Oliver | Growth

Katie | Growth

Scott | Growth

Jeff | Manager ds. Miałketingu

Pixel | QA

Co mówią nasi klienci…

“About Nielsen data: It is once again very positive for us because while the category fell by 11.6% in value, and the cava category decreased by 5.6%, we are once again the green dot in the data, growing vs. the previous year's and increase of market share. These results are clearly related to the MKT campaigns during April and July. So, once again, thank you very much for your wonderful support. We are achieving great things in the UK thanks to these impactful marketing campaigns.”

International Brand Manager na Europę i Azję, Codorníu Raventos

“We needed a digital agency that rocks the pants off it in the social & digital space that was fast, flexible, insightful and fun. Critical for us was someone that was responsive, really understood paid digital, and had the ability to make short, sharp, quick creative ads. One Day is that Agency. We are extremely excited to see what 2021 brings working with the talented team as we launch into the UK.”

Dyrektor generalny, Itchy Baby Co

"Freshers is such a pivotal moment for UNiDAYS. As the UK's leading student platform, working with a tried and trusted team was key. We've found that in One Day. Their professionalism and unique approach to measuring effectiveness and incrementality is truly exceptional".

Mark Hodson, VP of Marketing at UNiDAYS

“Having One Day Agency onboard has been incredible! They are highly skilled, extremely talented and enormously creative. Having a fresh pair of eyes come in and add innovative ideas at such a crucial time and to aid the impact of getting our brand into the student market at a time where physical interaction isn’t always possible has been phenomenal.”

Kierownik ds. marketingu i aktywacji studenckich, Domino’s Pizza

Partnerstwa i Członkostwa

Dumny partner Meta Premium i partner Google Premier.

Firma Wymieniona w Rankingu

Top 50 Integrated Agency 2023

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